Francis, Oklahoma
February 23rd & 24th 1987
The first night, David Bonner affirmed the proposition: “The Scriptures teach that the local church assembling for the Lords Supper may partake of the cup (fruit of the vine) from a plurality of cups.”
The second night, Joe Hisle affirmed: “The Scriptures teach that when the local church assembles for the Lords Supper only one cup (drinking vessel) may be used for distribution of the fruit of the vine.”

Please excuse the quality of the recording. It was made back in 1987 using a tape recorder by a person in the audience. We believed Joe Hisle’s outstanding defense of the truth deserves to be heard, as he pulls down David Bonner’s “strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ . . .” (2 Cor.10:4,5).
First Night of Debate
February 23, 1987
David Bonner 1
Joe Hisle 1
David Bonner 2
Hisle 2nd-Negative
Joe Hisle 2
Second Night of Debate
February 24, 1987
Hisle 1st-Affirmative
Joe Hisle 3
Bonner 1st-Negative
David Bonner 3
Hisle 2nd-Affirmative
Joe Hisle 4
David Bonner 4